Business Coaching for Creative Entrepreneurs

You started a business to have more freedom and joy in your life.

But the reality of running a business is not as fun as it seems.

You have endless todos, should-dos, and no guarantees. All that “freedom” means constantly trying to decide what to do next and then worrying about whether you picked the right thing.

And…when you’re so busy running the business that there’s never enough time for the projects you want to do, you begin to feel burdened by your creative ideas and resentful of your business. This is not what you signed up for, is it?

You deserve to love your business AND own your life. Your business is about more than just earning a living. Your work has a purpose, and life has more to offer you.

🅧 You don’t need to struggle or sacrifice your well-being to be successful in your business. (Phew…).

🅧 And you don’t need to play small in order to maintain balance in your life.

Work with me to become the CEO of your life.

Say it with me: Creative. Energized. Organized.

Together we will realign your business approach and priorities to help you get more done without adding more todos.

We’ll build healthy work-life habits, rituals, and routines so you can stay in that CEO state of mind.

Get back to the work that lights you up, and see your happiness, focus, and profit grow (they’re connected, ya know?)

Listen to the Podcast

Be Brilliant In Your Business Podcast is a creative cocktail of pep talks and practical tools to help you break the habit of being busy so you can have the business you love.

Host Linsi Brownson is a certified life and business coach who specializes in creating enjoyable practices and processes that increase wealth and wellbeing.

Tune in for interviews, trainings, and the perspective shift you need to get energized and inspired.